Hello, my name is Ben Carlson, welcome to my website. This site focuses more on my professional adventures.
If you'd like to see more of my wife and kids, click on the "Family Website" link at the bottom of this paragraph.
The links in the upper left hand corner of this page will take you to my resume, the journal of my Hawaii and my contact
information as well as some other useful or interesting places.
The family website:

1959 Riva Tritone hull #93 of 257 Tritones built between 1950 and 1966. Origionally purchased for Rita Hayworth
by Prince Sadrudin Khan. Over the last two years we've done a prize winning restoration. We replaced about half the
frames, all the planking, decks and bottom. I've spent hours matching origional stain colors, hunting down rare Italian designed
fabrics and linoleum and numerous other bits and pieces. See the complete article in Antique and Classic Boat Magazine's November/December
2001 issue

Look for my pictures on pages 29, 41 and 42 and in the table of contents in Kira Obolensky's new book, GARAGE,
Reinventing The Place We Park from the Taunton Press, 2001. Available at Amazon.com and major bookstores.
You'll also catch several glimpses of me in the History Channel's "Conquest; The Weapons of Piracy"